Louise Sutton

BSc, MSc, senr

Louise Sutton is the head of Sport and Exercise Nutrition at Leeds Beckett University. Her expertise focuses on optimising athletic performance and health through evidence-based nutrition strategies, and she has worked with athletes at all levels across a range of Olympic and professional sports.

Education & Qualifications

Louise is renowned nationally and internationally for her work with the UK Sport & Exercise Nutrition Register. She is Head of Sport and Exercise Nutrition at Leeds Beckett University and has maintained a diverse applied work profile alongside her academic role. Having held a life-long passion for raising the standard of practice in sport and exercise nutrition she has held Chair and Deputy Chair positions of the British Dietetic Association Sport Nutrition Interest Group and the Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register (SENR) Board. She has mentored numerous practitioners through the transition from graduate to full practitioner registration with SENR and currently chairs the SENR registration panel. She has received multiple awards in recognition of her contribution to the development of the profession.

  • Bentley, M., Mitchell, N., Sutton, L. & Backhouse, S. (2019) Sports nutritionists’ perspectives on enablers and barriers to nutritional adherence in high performance sport: a qualitative analysis informed by the COM-B model and theoretical domains framework. Journal of Sports Sciences. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1620989. Epub 2019 May 24
  • Tiller, N.B., Roberts, J.D., Beasley, L., Chapman, S., Pinto, J.M., Smith, L., Wiffin, M., Russell, M., Sparks, A., Duckworth, L., O’Hara, J., Sutton L., Antonio, J., Willoughby, D.S., Tarpey, M.D., Smith-Ryan, A.E., Ormsbee, M.J., Astorino, T.A., Kreider, R.B., McGinnis, G.R., Stout, J.R., Smith J., Arent, S.M., Campbell, B.I. & Bannock, L. (2019) International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: nutritional considerations for single-stage ultra-marathon training and racing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition volume 16 (50). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12970-019-0312-9
  • Hillier, M., Sutton, L., James, L., Mojtahedi, D., Keay, N. & Hind, K. (2019). High Prevalence and Magnitude of Rapid Weight Loss in Mixed Martial Arts Athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.
  • Smith, D.R., Duckworth, L.C., King, R.F.G.J., Sutton, L., and Jones, B. (2018) Calcium, Vitamin D and Iron Status of Elite Rugby Union Players during a Competitive Season. European Journal of Sports & Exercise Science.
  • Smith, D.R., King, R.F.G.J., Duckworth, L.C., Sutton, L., Preston, T., O'Hara, J.P. & Jones, B. (2018) Energy expenditure of rugby players during a 14-day in-season period, measured using doubly labelled water. European Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Costello, N.B., Mckenna, J., Sutton, L., Deighton, K. and Jones, B. (2018) Case Study: Using Contemporary Behaviour Change Science to Design and Implement an Effective Nutritional Intervention within Professional Rugby League Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab.
  • Chantler, S., Wood Martin, R. & Sutton L (2021) Sports Nutrition in Modern Rugby in Davies B & Baker J.S., The Dynamics of Modern Rugby, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
  • Sutton, L. (2019) Sports Nutrition in Gandy J., Manual of Dietetic Practice 6th Edition, Wiley Blackwell Publishing 
  • Fearnley D; Sutton L; O'Hara J; Brightmore A; King R; Cooke CB (2012) Case study of a female ocean racer: prerace preparation and nutritional intake during the Vendee Globe 2008. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 22 (3), pp. 212-219.
  • Sutton LA; King R; O'Hara J (2010) Nutrition for Training. In: Cooke CB; Bunting D; O'Hara J ed. Mountaineering: Training and Preparation. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, pp. 187-198.
  • Sutton LA; King R; O'Hara J (2010) Nutrition for Expeditions. In: Cooke CB; Bunting D; O'Hara J ed. Mountaineering: Training and Preparation. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, pp. 199-216.

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This information is intended for Health and/or Nutrition Professionals working within the field of sport and performance nutrition, including sports nutritionists, dietitians, sports scientists, coaches, athletic trainers and others who have professional training in nutrition and human physiology.
