Terms and Conditions for the WIN a meet & greet with zharnel competition ("the promotion")


1.    By entering this Promotion, entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these terms and conditions. Promotional materials relating to the Promotion, including all information on how to enter the Promotion, also form part of these terms and conditions.  In the event of any conflict between any terms referred to in such Promotion materials and these terms and conditions, these terms and conditions take precedence.

2.    The Promotion is open to UK excluding Northern Ireland and Ireland residents aged 18 and over, with the exception of employees and agents of Danone Limited or any of its subsidiary of affiliated companies, members of the immediate families or households of such employees, and  anyone otherwise connected with the operation or fulfilment of the Promotion.

3.     Internet access and a valid Instagram account is required.

4.     The promoter reserves the right to require entrants to prove they are eligible to enter the Promotion. If a winner is found to be ineligible, the promoter reserves the right to award their prize to another participant and to require the return of any prize already awarded.


5.     The Promotion starts at 9:00AM on the July 29th and all entries must be received by no later than 23:59PM time on the closing date of August 11th.

6.     To enter, follow @getprouki and @zarnel_hughes on Instagram, like the post and tag a friend who you think would like to enter. You will receive a bonus entry if you share your story relating to the competition.

7.     Entry to the Promotion is free, no purchase is necessary.

8.     The use of script, macro or any automated system to enter the Promotion is prohibited and entries made (or which appear to have been made) using any such system may be treated as void.  Any illegible, incomplete or fraudulent entries will be rejected.

9.     Max 2x entries per person (including bonus entry). Any entries in addition to this may be disqualified.

10.   Entrants using multiple accounts will be disqualified. Multiple entries in a single day are not permitted.


11.    There will be one winner.

12.    The winner will be the first name chosen at random from all complete, eligible, properly submitted entries received before the end of the applicable closing date.

13.    The winner will be notified no later than 30th August by direct message either on Instagram of Facebook. 

14.    The winner may be required to submit valid identification before receiving their prize.

15.    One of the prizes will be sent to the winner by post to a postal address within the UK notified by the winner in advance.

16.    If any social media messages to the winner are returned as undeliverable or the winner refuses or is unable to provide an eligible postal address for receipt of the prize, the promoter reserves the right to either conduct a further random draw or select an alternative winner to award their prize to another participant.

17.    If the winner has not claimed their prize by the date specified in the notification of winning, the promoter reserves the right to conduct a further random draw or select an alternative winner.


18.    The winner will win a meet and greet session with TeamGB Olympian medallist Zharnel Hughes as well as a TeamGB merch signed by Zharnel Hughes. The meet and greet will happen at some point after the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are concluded on the 11th August 2024 in London. Location and date will be determined by the promoter. Details of the meet and greet will be announced and communicated with the winner in advance to give them time to arrange travels. If the winner is unable to attend the session, the winner will still be able to win the signed merch and a £100 Adidas voucher.

19.    The winner is responsible for paying all associated costs that are not specifically stated in these terms and conditions, including (where applicable) costs of accommodation, spending money and travel to the location of the meet and greet in London.

20.    The winner is also responsible for any personal or incidental expenses and any VAT, national and/or local tax liabilities incurred in claiming or using the prize.

21.    Each prize is as stated and is non-exchangeable and non-transferable and there is no cash or other alternative to the prize in whole or in part. 

22.    By participating in the Promotion, entrants agree that each prize is awarded on an "as is" basis, and that neither the promoter nor any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies, make any representations or warranties of any nature with respect to the prizes.

23.    By entering the Promotion, entrants agree to have their name and photograph featured in publicity materials relating to the Promotion without further reference, payment or other compensation.  This includes making their name as the winner available  on GetPRO’s Instagram account once the winner is chosen. 

24.    Incomplete, illegible, misdirected, late or bulk entries will not be accepted. The promoter accepts no responsibility if entries are lost or not received or delayed.

25.    In the event that, for reasons beyond the promoter's reasonable control and not related to the winner, the promoter is unable to award the prize as described in these terms and conditions, the promoter reserves the right to award a prize of a similar nature and an equivalent value, or at its sole discretion, the cash value of the prize. 

26.    In the event of a printing or other error resulting in there being more winners than prizes for the Promotion, the promoter reserves the right at any time to allocate the available prize by selecting another winner, through a further draw or to divide the prize or the value of the prize between the winners of the Promotion.

27.    Save where it has been negligent, the promoter will not be responsible for any damage, loss or injury resulting from entrants' entry into the Promotion or their acceptance and/or use of a prize, or for technical, hardware or software failures, lost, faulty or unavailable network connections or difficulties of any kind that may limit or prohibit their ability to participate in the Promotion. 

28.    Nothing in these terms and conditions shall in any way limit the promoter's liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence or for any other matter where liability may not as a matter of law be limited.

29.    The promoter will collect and process participants' personal information and it will be shared with the promoter's agents and affiliates (including those outside the European Economic Area) to the extent necessary in order to conduct the Promotion including for the prizes to be delivered to the winner.  If entrants do not provide any of the mandatory information requested when entering and taking part in the Promotion, they may not take part in the Promotion.

30.    Entrants' names and other personal details from their entry to the Promotion will be collected and stored by the promoter and its affiliates (including those outside the European Economic Area) and held in accordance with the applicable privacy policy in place from time to time (Privacy Statement (danone.com)

31.    Although the Promotion may be featured on Instagram, this Promotion is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Instagram. By entering this Promotion, all entrants release Instagram from any liability arising out of this Promotion. Entrants are providing information to the promoted and not to Instagram. The information entrants provide will only be used for the purposes refereed in these terms and conditions.

32.    The promoter reserves the right to modify, cancel, terminate or suspend the Promotion in whole or in part, at its sole discretion, if it believes the Promotion is not capable of being conducted as specified within these terms and conditions or in the event of a virus, a computer bug or unauthorized human intervention or any other cause that is beyond the reasonable control of the promoter that could corrupt or affect the administration, security, impartiality or normal course of the Promotion. 

33.    Neither the promoter nor any of its subsidiary or affiliated companies are responsible for any condition, circumstances, losses, failures or delays caused by events beyond its or their control such as (but not limited to) the acts or defaults of any supplier selected by the promoter to provide the prize or otherwise that may cause the Promotion to be disrupted or corrupted, or that may lead to loss or damage of the prize in transit to the winner.

34.    Any entrant who enters or attempts to enter the Promotion in a manner, which in the promoter's reasonable determination is contrary to these terms and conditions or by its nature is unjust to other entrants (including without limitation tampering with the operation of the Promotion, cheating, hacking, deception or any other unfair playing practices such as intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other entrants or the promoter and/or any of its agents or representatives) may be rejected from the Promotion at the promoter's sole discretion.  Furthermore, where such actions have significantly impaired the Promotion, the promoter may, at its sole discretion, add further stages to the Promotion as it deems reasonably necessary in order to resolve any problems arising as a result of such actions.

35.    Adidas is not connected or otherwise associated with this Promotion and the provision of the prize does not imply endorsement by the promoter or any other third parties concerned in any way with the promotion.

36.    The promoter's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

37.    These terms and conditions are governed by English law. The courts of England and Wales shall have exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute or claim arising in association with the Promotion or these terms and conditions.

: Danone Limited, 6th Floor, Building 7 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, United Kindgom, W4 5YG

Please do not send entries to this address.
